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Be Informed and Stay Safe from Asbestos Exposure with the Following Facts in Mind

As you may be aware by now, Asbestos and building and construction, fibrous and heat-resistant materials that were used ages ago in America and various other parts of the world. Being a fibrous and heat-resistant material means it is not safe for human consumption, no wonder it is one of the leading causes of serious medical conditions. It is believed there is an over 2 million ton exposure of asbestos to this harmful and life-threatening ingredients. This of course, poses all manner of dangers, and here are some of the insane facts you have to know when it comes to asbestos.

Fact one about asbestos is that they can be found anywhere and everywhere that you could ever imagine. First off, asbestos are present in the moving air that you breath, the soil where crops and vegetation grow as well as in the water. Asbestos are also present in heaps of wastes that contain asbestos particles as well as in factories or mines. But you should know that the air you breath is the biggest form of exposure that you get when it comes to asbestos. This justifies the need for thorough asbestos testing in your living spaces to ensure you are safe from these life-threatening and harmful particles.

The other fact you have to be aware of is that exposure to asbestos has been known to cause clubbing of toes and fingers. Toes and fingers clubbing is a serious medical condition through which the skin under the fingernails thickens and hardens. This is normally brought about when the supply of oxygenated blood to the toes and fingers is significantly compromised leading to bulbous, club-like deformities. This is always a wake-up call to make haste and seek urgent medical attention should you notice any of the said signs as it could be a sign of exposure to asbestos. As you continue to research more on asbestos, you will discover that continuous exposure to the same can lead to cancer. While more research is needed to conclude on this topic, note that exposure to asbestos can lead to the deadly mesothelioma. Sadly, it may take quite a long time before the cancer signs and symptoms show up.

You have probably seen it on a website that deals with asbestos facts that it cannot be broken down into any chemical property known to man. What this means is that asbestos can never be metabolized meaning they cannot also be absorbed in your body. It is no wonder some cases remain hidden for up to 50 years post exposure when they start to show up as signs and symptoms. With this info. at hand, no doubt you will make informed choices to keep yourself and your loved ones safe from asbestos exposure.

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