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Learning More About The Most Powerful Countries In The World

Humanity is diverse and this can be attested to from the fact that the world is formed of 197 countries according to the official United Nations records. As usual where there is a great number there has to be the leader therefore it is of importance that one is aware of the countries that shape the world economy, for more details on global economy view here! To establish what contributes to a country to be regarded as a super power click here now. By reading this article you as the reader will be privileged to know more about the top ten world’s most powerful countries.

When it comes to GDP also known as gross domestic product the United States comes top as against any other country in the world, this together with the budget that it’s military gets the United States has for a long time remained the most powerful country in the world. For this reason the United States has been marked as a land of great opportunities hence attracting more and more people that aspire to move and settle there in pursuit of their American dream. Most people hear about Russia but they don’t know that apart from being a super power just after the United States there are other interesting factors about it like it’s large land mass as against any country on the planet, click here to check it out! Thirdly we have China with a shocking population of over a billion people, the GDP of this country comes second to that of the United States, apart from this China is also known for other great things like world’s top exporter, to learn more about China view here! The fourth country that we have is Germany which apart from being the one with most people in the European Union it actually has greatly invested in education hence its population is highly literate view here.

When we talk about fashion it’s almost impossible to do so without a mention of Europe, this is however not the only interesting thing about this powerful country, it’s GDP puts it fifth on world powerful countries click for more. Apart from the UK when you talk about fashion France is not left behind but this is not all there is to France since it is also a world super power due to its contribution to the world economy. Japan makes it to the seventh position and this can be attributed to its influence on matter technology and it’s highly educated populous click here for more on Japan. From the Middle East we have Israel and Saudi Arabia which follow each other on the list of top powerful countries, there are several interesting factors that one can learn about this countries, discover more. Crowning the list we have South Korea.