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Advantages Offered by HEPA Filters

There are lots of technology-related terms but “HEPA filter” seems to be one of those that stick the most – and understandably so. They’re the almighty measure in the world of filters since they’re exceptionally good at what they do – eliminate air particles by as much as 99.97%. However, these filters are not all created equal, which is why testing companies like Performance Assurance Systems exist.

If you want more info. about HEPA filters, let’s begin by knowing the meaning behind the acronym. HEPA means High-Efficiency Particulate Absorption, and fiberglass is the main material to make these filters. The filter essentially works by trapping dust, pollen, microbes and other things that may be in the air. As you might think, this is perfect for people with asthma and allergies and for anybody who wants to improve their indoor air quality.

But make no mistake – HEPA filter technology isn’t at all new. Fact is, the HEPA filter ever invented goes back to World War II era, and the intention was to prevent radioactive particles leaking out of laboratories. The next decade, it was produced commercially and has since evolved from being used in various industries, from medical to aerospace and more.

Although countless particles hang in household air, there are probably more found on surfaces, such as rugs, furniture and the like. It is a must to make sure that these areas are clean, but eliminating the source altogether is still the best step take.

In medical scenarios, HEPA filters have shown their value as well by significantly minimizing the spread of bacteria, viruses and other particles in the air. A units 99.995% efficiency ratings, and this practically assures protection of the highest level against airborne illnesses.

You will find “HEPA-like” filters today that are definitely less expensive, but they are not real HEPAs and thus not as trustworthy, capturing no more than 80% to 90% of airborne particles. To know if the HEPA filter you have is the real thing, spend time looking at its serial number and manual. A good one should be able to remove 9.97% or more at .3 microns. Again, testing by companies such as Performance Assurance Systems comes in handy when testing these filters.

Thanks to their efficiency, HEPA filters have become more and more popular today as technology continues to develop. Seeing the benefits offered by HEPA filtration, companies manufacturing vacuum cleaners, airplanes and cars have all ventured into HEPA filtration as part of their own emerging technologies.

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