Tips for Catching Fish in Cold Weather Whether you are fishing in the river or at the sea, it isn’t easy to catch fish in cold weather. Most people normally give up trying to catch the fish during this period, which falls between December and February. However, this doesn’t mean that fish can’t be caught during the cold weather. You just need to change your method of fishing in order to end up with a good catch. In cold weather, fish are normally located within the river system itself rather than throughout the entire river. Warmer temperatures allow the fish to move anywhere in the river, including the shallow places. Cold weather however makes fish to move to deeper sections of pools, ponds, and oceans, where temperatures are better off. Fishermen, on the other hand, normally make the mistake of having to look for fish in the same places that they usually caught them during the warm weather. To catch fish effectively throughout the year, fish in the deepest sections of the pool during the cold weather. However obvious this may seem, you need to have a warm pair of gloves when you go fishing. No matter the style of fishing you intend to follow, you will definitely use your hands at some point and you definitely want to have a good grasp of the line or net. Warm hands enable you to not only feel the knots on your fishing rod quite easily, but also pull out your catch out of the water with ease. Frozen hands do not give you the opportunity to do as much as you would like.
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Fish usually eat way less during the cold weather that they do in the warm weather. Being cold blooded, their mechanism doesn’t function any better during freezing temperatures. Don’t use too much bait since you’ll end up with little or no catch. Therefore, reduce the amount of bait that you use in the cold weather to increase your chances of catching them. Reduce the length of the bait to about two inches in places where you are used to fishing with a full worm. In addition, you will have to make more casts since fish will only bite the bait when it moves closer to it, which is very different from the warm weather where it is the fish that look for bait.
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If you follow the tips above, then your fishing trip during the cold weather won’t be as bad as you thought it would be. Once you have identified places where fish might be, you should now work on the best way of casting your bait in the waters. This way, you will end up getting a good catch.