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Medications: What You Should Know About Thyroid Medication

Either if your doctor will tell you that you have hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, still, there will be proper medications that will be given for you. Still you should know that your medication are quite important and you should take them as per directed of your physician, in spite that you think it isn’t working anymore, or perhaps you are experiencing some of its side effects. If ever you are experiencing a side effect of the medication, you should immediately call your doctor so that he or she may correct the dosage of your medicine, for more thyroid medication visit Headway Health.

Common as it is that this is the main problem of people who are taking thyroid medication particularly those people who have hypothyroidism. You doctor diagnoses hypothyroidism by simply taking a blood sample from you, he then measures your levels of TSH. This happens because your doctor has no way of knowing how will your thyroid will react to the amount of dosage given to you especially when responding in terms of thyroid hormone production.

With that in mind doctors usually start off with a very low dosage of thyroid medication, like Synthroid. After giving you the medication your doctor will prescribe you to come back again after six week of taking the medicine for another blood test. And when he receives your latest results of your blood test, by then he will decide to do some adjustment for your medication dosage, conduct your thyroid examination at Headway Health.

Your doctors are cautious on prescribing you certain dosages of your medication because people who have hypothyroidism have different dosages and a mistake with the dosage could lead to unpleasant symptoms. In addition to that, if your medication’s dosage would be too low you’d still be experiencing some side effects also. Usually it take about a year for an individual to get the right dosage for him or her, try visiting Headway Health for your thyroid checkup.

Also as you get older and your body will also change specifically in the production of hormones, in with that your dosage will also be change. With that in mind, you must have a regularly visit your doctor once year for him to check if your medication needs some adjustments. In addition your doctor will advise you to take another blood test for him to see how well or not you’re responding to the medication he has given to you on the entire year.

Perhaps you are still taking up the same medication last year, and you started to notice some unpleasant symptoms, well this is an indication that your body has change especially in hormone production which is why your dosage needs to be corrected, try visiting Headway Health to learn more about thyroid medications.