What is a Non-Denominational Church and How Does It Differ From the Rest? A non-denominational church is literally defined as a church that doesn’t consider or see itself as being part of a larger church or denomination. The term is certainly the most convenient way to separate this type of church to the rest of the traditional churches in which there’s a higher organization governing the smaller, local churches. To easily comprehend what a denomination really means, just think about names like Episcopal, Wesleyan, Southern Baptist, and Methodist. If there are two major attributes that separate a non-denominational church to that of others, these are the fact that they have a church name that’s completely unique to other churches and that they have an utmost commitment to a wide range of beliefs. Although history says that many of the churches in memory are described as denominational, what’s really interesting is that some of the new ones want to call themselves as non-denominational. The question now is why? It is obvious but arguable that the primary reason is because churches are beginning to understand and recognize the need for more freedom in managing their affairs without the control of a higher authority.
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Although a church may call itself as non-denominational, it doesn’t entirely mean that it keeps itself away from other churches or denominations. Anyway, it can’t be denied as well that there are quite a few that choose to be isolated; but sooner or later they eventually will need to communicate with others. In fact, even the book of Acts and New Testament explicitly mentioned about churches making it a point to communicate with each other regularly. According to Acts 18:27, Paul and his companions commonly sent letters to other churches as they were on their way to their missionary journeys.
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The New Testament even said that some churches in their times that defined themselves as self-governing and independent did in fact connected with other churches by way of fellowship and cooperative ministry. But the thing is the way to actually measure a church’s dedication to following the teachings of God isn’t done through the issue of it being either a member of a denomination or not. It also isn’t about how the church is organized or founded or how significant its name is. The truth is no one church out there, denominational or not, is inerrant since obviously, the human being who established each and every single one of them is someone who is capable of committing a mistake, error, or sin. Finally, the modern concept of non-denominational churches today includes that of embracing a broader set of spiritual beliefs, which in turn is actually a direct result of them being a lot more liberal in their teachings.