Aspects to Know about Couples Therapy Couples therapy is a subset of relationship counseling. In a relationship it aims at recognizing, reconciling and managing differences. For romantic relationships to run well, basic maintenance is required. Other times professional advice and outlook is required though, most times issues in our relationships can be resolved easily. The couple first needs to realize the need for the therapy. Therapy is the last result for the couples after the relationship has already been ruined and emotional bond between partners severely ruined. Psychotherapy based on the relationship between an individual and psychologist is some collaborative treatment. It is the use of psychological methods to help a person change and overcome problems in a desired way. Psychotherapy so as to resolve troublesome behaviors, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, compulsions, and to improve social skills and relationships aims at improving an individual’s well-being and mental health. In couples therapy there is need to understand that each individual including the counselor, has a unique history, personality, set of values and perception. Strain gets into relationships from time to time. This may be out of; insecure attachment, jealousy, anger, ego, arrogance, greed, third parties, poor communication or poor problem-solving techniques. The therapist helps the couples resolve their issues but does not make decisions for them.
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The counsellor provides a confidential dialogue which normalizes feelings. Improving communication and enabling each person to be heard and to hear themselves is what he does. The therapist provides a mirror with expertise to reflect the relationship difficulties and direction for change. Therapists change the view of the relationship and deliver relevant and appropriate information.
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The core principles in a couples therapy are; confidentiality, accountability, consent, tact, empathy, expertise and many more. Most couples therapy tend to involve some four general elements. Internet addiction, sexual difficulties or jealousy are problems to focus on. Active participation by the therapist to treat the relationship itself rather than each individual separately. A clear establishment of treatment objectives and introduction of solution-focused and change-oriented interventions are the other elements. In couples therapy, changing behaviors and ways of interacting with each other is a crucial aspect. This helps them change the way they perceive each other and the relationship. Couples therapy can resolve an existing problem, provide checkup for a happy couple or prevent an excerbation of problems. Couples therapy can be beneficial for any couple either gay, married, engaged, dating, mixed-race, young or old. In a relationship both parties must be willing to undertake a therapy for it to be successful. One partner should not choose or dictate over the other for a therapist but they should agree. Of importance for the couple to have is optimism and open mindedness.